Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus) Tartaranhão-de-peito-branco

While this is strictly outside our area, there are reports every year of the odd one or two Pallid Harriers migrating through Portugal, so it's always best to keep one's eyes peeled for such an eventuality. We were lucky enough to get close views during the autumn migration of 2013 on the Plains near the Quinta. The male is as pale as a Hen Harrier, but lacks the dark trailing edge of the latter, while the upper surface of the wing tip has a dark wedge rather than the full-blown broad black tip. The female is much more problematical and is nearly impossible to tell her apart from a female Montagu's or Hen in the field. The juvenile has the same rusty red belly as the Montagu's, but a distinctive light collar is a diagnostic feature usually visible in the field.

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Birding in Portugal

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