(Eurasian) Hobby (Falco subbuteo) Ógea

A fast-moving and extremely aerobatic falcon with swept back wings that feeds on birds and insects caught and usually eaten on the wing. Hobbys are migratory, arriving in Portugal during early April and leaving in September.

Apart from its size, its distinctively fast and aggressive flight, its moustachial stripe and its longditudinouly striped chest, its most obvious diagnostic feature are its  red "trousers", which are most easily seen in flight.

Its presence can sometimes be inferred by the behaviour of Martins, Swallows and Swifts as these species have a terror of Hobbys as one of their most efficient predators.

Its preferred habitat are marshes with nearby tall trees, as this gives them both an abundance of food and nesting capabilities.

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Birding in Portugal

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7665-880 Santa Clara a Velha

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